Who are we?

We are a Dutch family: Michael, Nives and our son Lojz. Our permanent home is in Germany, just across the border in South Limburg (Netherlands). We have built a house there in 2007 and still live there with a lot of pleasure. We both work in the Netherlands, Michael as a Project Manager in the construction industry and Nives as a Business  Manager in the HR business. Lojz was born in 2013 and spent his first years at a nursery in Germany. From the age of 5 he has been going to school in the Netherlands. Lojz spends his leisure time with among others scouting and harmonica lessons.

In 2019 we have bought our house in Žaga through an auction in Ljubljana. It had been empty for a number of years and consequently it was in quite a bad state. During the Christmas holidays of 2019, we emptied and cleaned the house completely with the help of family. Thereafter began a period of 1.5 years of rebuilding with setbacks and luck, right at the time when the Corona pandemic started. Every possible moment we travelled to Slovenia to do some work ourselves and to discuss with our Building contractor the status of the renovation and the next phase of the renovation. Meanwhile, documents had to be arranged in order to register the property as a foreign owner and to have the property designated as a tourist rental property. This turned out to be a lengthy and intensive process, which eventually resulted in a meter of paperwork.

In the meantime we started looking for nice items to furnish all 3 houses with their own style of furniture. Through various websites for second-hand items, flea markets, friends and our own creativity we collected unique furniture and decorations for each holiday home. On 30 April 2021 the moving van came to our home address in Germany to pick up all the stuff for the houses for transportation to Žaga. For a very long time we had been looking forward to this moving day. Finally decorating our renovated house, giving it character and making it feel like a warm home. And we are still so proud of the result! It was quite a challenge to renovate a house at a distance of 1000 kilometers and also to turn it into 3 attractive holiday homes! Thank you dear family and friends who supported and helped us and always showed their sincere interest in our plans! Hiša Lojz has been open from July 2021 for all who want to enjoy our house under the slogan: Experience Comfort & Pure nature!

Would you like to know why we chose to buy a house in Slovenia? Read more in the sections ‘Family History‘ and ‘Love for Slovenia‘.