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These general rental conditions govern the relationship between the landlord and the tenant. Any tenant who books a holiday directly (without the mediation of a third party website) agrees to these conditions.

Naturally, we will always try to act with courtesy and offer the most reasonable solution in case of a problem. However, non-compliance with the rental conditions may also result in immediate termination of the rental agreement.


  • These general rental conditions apply to all reservations and agreements related to the holiday home “Hiša Lojz”, Žaga 99, 5224 Posta Srpenica, Slovenia.
  • In these general rental conditions the term “tenant” means: the person who enters into a rental agreement with us regarding the rental of the holiday home.
  • These general terms and conditions apply regardless of your (prior) reference to any terms and conditions of your own or to any other general terms and conditions.
  • Agreements deviating from these general conditions are only valid if they have been agreed in writing.

Article 1 – Reservations

  1. We only take reservations from people who are 18 years or older. Reservations made by persons younger than that age are not valid. We reserve the right to refuse a reservation at any time without giving any reason.
  2. If you have made a reservation request via the contact form on our website or via e-mail, you will receive an offer from us.
  3. Between landlord and tenant is an agreement established at the time we have confirmed the reservation to you (see Article 2). The agreement concerns the letting of the holiday home for recreational use, which is of short duration. The rental period ends by law after the expiry of the agreed period.

Article 2 – Payment

The following conditions apply to payment:

  • If you wish to make a reservation, the total rental price including tourist tax must be paid. After receipt of the payment the reservation is final. The rental price includes the rental of the home as stated on the website. By making a reservation, these general terms and conditions become effective.

Article 3 – Amendments

  1. If, after the conclusion of the booking / agreement, the tenant wishes to make changes to the booking, the landlord shall be obliged to comply. The landlord always tries to cooperate with changes, but it is ultimately up to the landlord whether and to what extent changes can be accepted.
  2. If, after making the booking, the tenant changes the period of stay to a different or non-consecutive/consecutive period of stay, the cancellation provisions as stated in article 4 apply. A different period of stay is in any case understood to mean a period that is not within the period of stay reserved by the tenant (and confirmed by the landlord).
  3. It is not allowed to let the holiday home to third parties without prior written permission from the landlord.

Article 4 – Cancellation

Cancellation by the tenant must always be made in writing (by e-mail). If tenant has a cancellation insurance, landlord will always cooperate in the declaration of the cancellation costs to the insurance. For cancellations the following conditions apply:

  • In case of cancellation until the 30th day before the day of arrival: full refund of the already paid rental price (max. returned within 5 working days).
  • For cancellations from the 30th day up to the day of arrival or later: no refund of the rent already paid.
  • If you have not arrived within 24 hours of the agreed date without further notice, this will be regarded as a cancellation and you will owe the full rental price.

For cancellation by the landlord the following conditions apply:

  • Cancellation prior to the rental period: if circumstances/ force majeure force the landlord to cancel the already rented holiday period, this will immediately be communicated to the tenant. The landlord will in this case within 2 working days after the aforementioned notification to the tenant, refund the amount already paid by the tenant. In this case, the tenant has no other right than to reclaim the rent already paid and therefore expressly waives any further rights.
  • Cancellation during the stay: if force majeure occurs and the tenant has to leave the holiday home prematurely, the tenant is entitled to a pro rata refund of the rent already paid (in days). Force majeure in the form of (facility) failures or events that do not require leaving the holiday home are excluded.

Article 5 – Receipt & return of the key

  1. The key can be obtained by a procedure that will be sent to you separately after payment of the full rental amount, tourist tax and sending a copy (passport/identity card) of all tenants. In case of loss, theft, duplication or any other way of losing the key, the tenant will be charged € 150.
  2. Any costs that may arise as a result of you not leaving the property on time can be recovered from you. Goods found after your departure, we keep for a reasonable period of time for you and we can send to you the actual costs.

Article 6 – Stay in the holiday home

During the stay, the following provisions apply:

  1. Our house rules. These can be found in the Welcome Folder that you find in the house.
  2. On the day of arrival you can use the house from 15:00. If the house is available earlier, you may enter earlier. On the day of departure you must have left the house at 10:00.
  3. The tenant and other users during the stay in and around the house as a good tenant to behave.
  4. The holiday home is smoke-free. Smoking is allowed outside.
  5. Outside in the garden no open fire is allowed.
  6. Pets are not allowed.
  7. Barbecuing with the barbecue present is permitted (this must be left clean before departure after each use). The use of water and electricity is included, but we ask you to use them sparingly.
  8. Staying with more persons in a holiday home than agreed upon (at the reservation), or than the maximum number of persons allowed in the house, is explicitly not allowed without our permission, unless agreed upon otherwise in writing. Causing nuisance to other tenants and neighbours in any form whatsoever is prohibited. This may lead to the premature termination of the rental agreement on our part, without refund of the rent.
  9. Moving cupboards and beds, as well as sound or television equipment, or taking the (inside) inventory outside is explicitly not allowed, with the exception of the crockery/glasses and cutlery for your meal outside.
  10. In the event of a fire, you must leave the building as soon as possible, call the fire brigade (112), inform any other tenants in the house and the landlord. In case of a small fire, we request you (only safely) to make an attempt to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishers. The fire safety regulations & Evacuation are also present in each house (Welcomebook).
  11. The garbage must be correctly sorted as described in the house rules of the Welcome folder.

Article 7 – Liability/complaints/damage 

The tenant and other users are in the relevant rental period fully and severally liable for all damage caused to the house, the inventory and all items belonging to the rented object, unless the tenant and other users can make a plausible case that the damage is not attributable to them.

We therefore recommend that you to inspect the inventory carefully upon arrival in the holiday home. If you find any damage or defects, please report this immediately to the landlord.

  1. If the tenant is not satisfied with the state of the house upon arrival, the tenant must immediately, within 24 hours after arrival, let the landlord know. This can be done by phone or email.
  2. Landlord is not liable for theft, loss or damage of or to goods or personal injury, of any nature whatsoever, during or as a result of the stay in the holidayhome.
  3. The landlord accepts no liability for construction activities on the (main) roads, etc. in the vicinity and the failure or malfunction of technical equipment, utilities, the non or partial non-functioning of the Internet or TV.
  4. The costs of normal maintenance and repair of defects is payed by de landlord. If there are any defects, the tenant should inform the landlord and follow his instructions.

Article 8 – Complaints

Complaints should be reported immediately by phone or email, so that the landlord has the opportunity to resolve the complaint. If it appears afterwards that the tenant has not reported the error or imperfection he loses the right to a possible refund.

Article 9 – Applicable law

On all our terms and conditions and the provisions of the house rules as well as any disputes arising therefrom, Slovenian law applies exclusively.